The American Society of International Law is pleased to join a number of organizations and institutions contributing to this on-line discussion of current issues in international arbitration. We have long provided a forum for the international arbitration community to come together and share ideas-in print, at our meetings, or on line-and we consider this new Kluwer blog initiative another great opportunity to foster discussion and debate on the issues of the day.
Among the most valuable ASIL forums is our Annual Meeting each year a must-go event for international lawyers–and the 2009 meeting will be no exception. Convened under the theme “International Law as Law,” the March 25-28 meeting in Washington DC will feature discussion of the evolving institutions and processes involved in the development, implementation, and enforcement of international law. A number of sessions will be of particular interest to the international arbitration community, beginning with the 6th Annual ITA-ASIL Joint Conference “When Arbitrations Go Bad,” on Wednesday, March 25, 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. In addition, the main ASIL Annual Meeting program will include a lecture by 2009 Hudson Medal Winner Judge Charles N. Brower; sessions on “Mapping the Future of the Investment Treaty Arbitration System of Law,” “Challenges of Transnational Legal Practice: Advocacy and Ethics,” and “Multilateralizing Regionalism: The Future Architecture of International Trade Law as a System of Law;” business meetings of the Dispute Resolution and International Economic Law Interest Groups; and an expert discussion on implementation of the Convention on Choice of Court Agreements, convened by the Private International Law Interest Group.
General interest plenary highlights include a discussion of “International Law as Law at the International Court of Justice” among Judges Buergenthal, Owada, and Simma; a plenary panel of Obama administration officials, and the Gala Dinner Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Jessup Moot Court Competition, featuring remarks by Judges Rosalyn Higgins and Stephen M. Schwebel.
And that is just the formal program, not including the opportunity to reconnect with old friends and colleagues around the coffee urns! Join us for another great ASIL meeting and continue the blog conversation in person. Register today and get the early bird rates, expiring February 9.
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