Kluwer Arbitration Blog is pleased to announce a book discussion of Gary Born’s new book International Commercial Arbitration, which undoubtedly is one of the most important international arbitration books published in recent years. Over the course of the next two weeks we will have contributions from renowned leaders in the field of international arbitration: Judge Stephen Schwebel, Bernardo Cremades, James Carter, Paolo Michele Patocchi, and Campbell MacLachlan. Of course, Gary Born has already offered his introductory thoughts on the book here.
As an aside, I should emphasize that we have no intention of using this blog as a vehicle to promote Kluwer publications to the exclusion of the important works of other publishers. The point of the blog is to emphasize significant developments in the field of international arbitration, regardless of the source. Indeed, our next book discussion will focus on a recent book from another publisher. (If you have ideas about books worthy of discussion in the near future please email me.) But we thought the celebration of Gary Born’s magnum opus was a fitting way to introduce the idea of a book discussion to our readers. Welcome!
Roger Alford
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