In the spirit of spreading some festive cheer, I wanted to share with you what has been going on behind the scenes with Kluwer Arbitration this year. What an exciting year it has been. Following extensive customer research with users towards the end of 2008, a development plan was put in place by Kluwer Law International to launch a significantly revised and enhanced service. Work has been carrying on behind the scenes all year – in conjunction with our team of key users, whom have greatly assisted the development by testing the service at regular intervals – and the result, a drastically improved service.
The ‘facelift’ has given Kluwer Arbitration a fresher and more up-to-date look and feel, but the real ‘beauty’ of the enhanced service lies in the introduction of a new and intuitive search engine. It was with great pleasure that we were able to launch the enhanced service to the international arbitration community last month.
The project has been extensive and as with all things ‘online’, it is not the end of the road – we will proceed to improve and enhance the service – but it is a significant milestone and one we think is worth shouting about.
There are now just three things left for me to say. First, a huge thank you to all those users who kindly gave up their time to assist by providing feedback and during the latter stages, testing the alpha and beta versions. Your assistance has been invaluable. Secondly, I hope you enjoy using the service. And lastly, this re-launch would not have been possible without feedback from users and so please do let me have your thoughts/comments/suggestions on the enhanced service and how we can best improve your research. Please direct all feedback to me at I look forward to hearing from you.
Eleanor Taylor, Kluwer Law International
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Thanks you very much for all your work!
Only one detail I just noticed in the page of Kluwer arbitration, the new online available book “French Arbitration Law and Practice: A Dynamic Civil Law Approach to International Arbitration” is not completely available: not only the index and bibliography, but also the first pages of each of the four parts of the book (which is actually what would be great to add to the web)
Seasons greeting!
Best regards,
Juan Pablo Argentato