We are pleased to announce that Kluwer Arbitration Blog will add two new permanent contributors to the blog: Alexis Mourre of the law firm of Castaldi Mourre & Partners in Paris, France, and the Institute for Transnational Arbitration in Dallas, Texas.
Alexis Mourre is a founding partner of Castaldi Mourre & Partners, a 25-lawyer firm with offices in Paris and Milan. He heads the international arbitration and litigation department of the firm. As of September 2009, he has acted in more than 120 ad hoc or institutional commercial arbitration proceedings as counsel, expert witness, co-arbitrator, chairman or sole arbitrator. He was a guest contributor with us last year and we are thrilled that he will be joining us on a regular basis.
The Institute for Transnational Arbitration has had a longstanding affiliation with Kluwer through the international arbitration database KluwerArbitration.com. We are thrilled that the ITA will now also contribute to the blog. It will do so through its Academic Council chaired by Charles Brower II of the University of Mississippi School of Law, and through its Latin American initiative, chair by Jonathan Hamilton of White & Case in Washington, D.C.
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