After years of research, development, data collection, analysis, and refinement, Arbitrator Intelligence (AI) is unveiling a Prototype of its forthcoming Arbitrator Intelligence Reports, or AI Reports.
The formal launch of the Prototype is scheduled March 1 at Vienna Arbitration Days, with a special London Launch of the Prototype on March 4 at 6:00pm at WilmerHale. This post previews the Prototype, and traces where we are going from here.
Launch of the Prototype
The Prototype, like the future AI Reports, is an interactive electronic document that presents sophisticated, multi-faceted data analytics regarding an individual arbitrator’s track record. The Prototype focuses on a fictional mid-career arbitrator named Diana Artemis and is based on mock data that we created for the Prototype.
After the formal launch of the Prototype, we will be organizing numerous other presentations both in physical venues around the world and through online webinars. The purpose of these events will be to obtain feedback on the Prototype to revise and refine our work as we begin production of AI Reports on actual arbitrators. If you are interested in organizing such a presentation, please contact
The Data, Campaigns & Ambassadors
The mock data in the Prototype resembles actual data that we have collected on real arbitrators through our Arbitrator Intelligence Questionnaire or AIQ, which is completed by participants at the end of an arbitration. When we turn to AI Reports, the collected data will be analyzed to generate reports on actual arbitrators, as illustrated:
The AIQ collects information on a wide range of topics regarding arbitral proceedings (document production, jurisdictional rulings, interim relief), and the final award (substantive outcomes, timing, legal methodology, cost allocation, interest rates).
To date, Arbitrator Intelligence has collected over 600 AIQ responses that provide data on arbitrations that involved over 800 individual arbitrators.
Most of these AIQs are the product of two efforts: Regional Campaigns and Cooperation Agreements with arbitral institutions.
Regional Campaigns
To raise awareness about Arbitrator Intelligence and to encourage parties, counsel, and third-party funders to complete AIQs, we have been organizing Regional Outreach Campaigns.
The first such campaign in Latin America was wildly successful, thanks to a truly amazing group of AI Ambassadors from the Region. Throughout the Campaign and beyond, our Ambassadors have presented Arbitrator Intelligence in numerous venues, promoted its goals of transparency, accountability, and diversity, and inspired submission of approximately 150 AIQs.
We currently have another campaign under way in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), with yet another group of outstanding Ambassadors. Based on preliminary results, this Campaign too promises to be highly successful.
Beyond Latin American and CEE, we receive almost daily new requests to bring campaigns to other regions. Our next Women Arbitrator’s Campaign will be launched on March 8 on International Women’s Day and in cooperation with ArbitralWomen. Another Campaign will also soon be launched in conjunction with the al-Tamimi law firm and directed collecting information about arbitrator in the Middle East/North Africa/Turkey.
Cooperation Agreements
In addition to Regional Outreach Campaigns, Arbitrator Intelligence also relies on relationships with arbitral institutions to encourage submission of AIQs.
Under Cooperation Agreements, arbitral institutions agree that, at the end of each arbitration, they will send emails requesting parties and counsel to complete an AIQ. In exchange, Arbitrator Intelligence will provide institutions with free AI Reports, when they are ready.
The AIQ was launched in the summer of 2017 in conjunction with the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC), which was also the first arbitral institution to sign a Cooperation Agreement with Arbitrator Intelligence
Since that time, Arbitrator Intelligence has signed additional Cooperation Agreements with the Cámara de Commercio de Lima and the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the American Chamber of Commerce of Ecuador. We are currently in discussions with numerous other institutions around the world.
As we all know, one of the most important functions an institution provides is appointment of arbitrators. Free access to AI Reports will enable arbitral institutions, particularly smaller regional institutions, to consider a broader range of arbitrators based on more detailed data-based analysis.
* * *
We believe introduction of AI Reports will soon bring a multitude of benefits to international arbitration. But we need your help.
First, we hope to see you in Vienna, London, or elsewhere to benefit from your feedback on the Prototype.
Second, we need LOTS, LOTS, LOTS more AIQs! The more AIQs we have, the better and more quickly we will be able to produce AI Reports systematically and on a large number of arbitrators. So please, contribute AIQs through upcoming Campaigns, in response to emails you may receive from arbitral institutions, or by visiting our website directly.
With your help, AI Reports on individual arbitrators will be available later in 2019 as an important new resource for appointment of international arbitrators.
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