Part 1: Technology as Facilitation “The future is already here; it’s just not evenly distributed.” Paul Cohen, assisted by Gabrielle Nater-Bass, Hugh Carlson and Rashda Rana SC, opened his session with this quote from Mr William Gibson, and was able to demonstrate it through his discussion of technology as facilitation in arbitration. Upon entering the…

Besides the inverted initialism, what does international arbitration (“IA”) and artificial intelligence (“AI”) have in common? Sure, both IA and AI are leading alternatives to the status quo: IA to traditional dispute resolution, AI to traditional methods of production. The former promotes freedom from the judiciary, the latter freedom from cognitive limitations. Beyond that, comparisons…

2017 was a busy year for international arbitration. Taking a walk down memory lane, we saw new players and new industries entering the game, institutions adopting new rules, and we have some new challenges to tackle. This note summarizes some highlights and low lights in international arbitration during 2017 from across the globe. Happy Holidays…