Brazil has well-developed systems both in arbitration and class actions and yet the use of arbitration as a class-litigation dispute resolution has been little discussed. In the USA, on the other hand, discussions on the matter abound (see especially Supreme Court Bazzle v. Green Tree, Stolt-Nielsen S.A v. Animalfeeds International Corp. and AT&T Mobility LLC…

The Competence-Competence Principle is a fundamental principle of international arbitration. It is recognized in article 8 of Brazilian Arbitration Law. However, in Companhia de Geração Térmica de Energia Elétrica – CGTEE v. Kreditanstalt Fur Wiederaufbau Bankengruppe, the Rio Grande do Sul Court of Appeals raised some doubts about it is applicability in Brazil. (Rio Grande…

By Manuel Castelo Branco and Raquel Galvão Silva The proposal prepared by the Committee for the modification of the Brazilian Arbitration Law was finally revealed and approved with some adjustments on 11 December 2013 by the Constitution, Justice and Citizenship Commission of the Federal Senate (the “Proposal”). The Proposal comes 17 years after the publication…

Investing Across Borders, a World Bank Group’s initiative, compares the regulation for foreign direct investment around the world. Among different indicators, it publishes considerations concerning arbitration of commercial disputes from different jurisdictions. However, the prospective investor must read with caution this Summary, at least regarding arbitration in Brazil. Here is the Summary regarding arbitration in…

The facts On January 9, 2008, in the middle of the Amazon Rainforest, the dam of a hydroelectric power plant ruptured liberating 3.1 billion liters of water and precipitating an environmental mishap. Brazilian authorities hastily cornered the electricity generation company. The electricity generation company hastily pointed the finger at the builder of the hydroelectric power…

and José Roberto Oliva Junior and Ricardo Dalmaso Marques, Pinheiro Neto Advogados One of the segments of the infrastructure sectors in Brazil that have lately triggered the greatest amount of disputes are the power generation, distribution and trading sectors. In effect, there’s little disagreement in Brazil nowadays that, just as with other sectors that could…

At the beginning of April, the Brazilian Senate established a Committee for the modification of the Brazilian Arbitration Law – Law no. 9.307 of September 1996. The president of the Committee, Luís Felipe Salomão, believes that the new amendments will strengthen arbitration, as an alternative dispute resolution mechanism. Salomão suggests that the goal of these…

The English Court of Appeal’s recent decision in Sulamerica CIA Nacional De Seguros SA v Enesa Engenharia SA [2012] EWCA Civ 638, which is discussed in a recent post by Guy Pendell, underscores an important weakness in the international arbitration system’s legal framework. While everyone accepts that the arbitration agreement is the foundation of an…

On 16 May 2012, the Court of Appeal of England & Wales (“CA”) dismissed an appeal against an anti-suit injunction restraining three insured entities from pursuing proceedings in the Brazilian courts against their insurers (Sulamerica CIA Nacional De Seguros SA v Enesa Engenharia SA [2012] EWCA Civ 638). This is the latest in a series…

Ana Carolina Beneti Ricardo Dalmaso Marques (a) Introduction 1. The Brazilian Superior Court of Justice (“STJ”) was called, in September 2010, to decide on a compelling matter: the possibility (or not) of recognizing and enforcing a foreign award rendered devoid of grounds and whether this decision would violate public policy if it produced effects in…

International arbitration often involves parties, arbitrators, and counsel from both Common Law and Civil Law traditions, which sometimes creates misinterpretations about how evidence production will occur. The recent São Paulo court opinion determining that an ICC arbitral tribunal should widen the scope of the expert evidence it was considering in a dispute regarding the construction…

A judge of the public law courts of the State of São Paulo concluded that a dispute arising out of a turn-key agreement entered into by a State-owned company and several construction companies for the construction of a new underground line in the city of São Paulo should not have been referred to arbitration. The…