…in International Commercial Arbitration”. This blog posting explains its key contents, identifying both convincing and unconvincing aspects. Our later blog posting will compare Japan as another Asia-Pacific jurisdiction that is…

…a single Request for Arbitration or (ii) in separate Requests of Arbitration and later consolidated.3) In comparison, see Rule 6 of the SIAC Rules 2016, which is more detailed. Independence…

…characteristics of Swedish arbitration law. References[+] References ↑1 See Jonas von Goeler, Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration and its Impact on Procedure, International Arbitration Law Library, Volume 35 (Kluwer Law…

…to arbitration”. Another recent Peruvian law expressly permits the appointment of foreign arbitrators in domestic arbitration.3) Article 1, Legislative Decree N° 1231 amending article 20 of the Legislative Decree N°…

arbitration state-to-state may be initiated (article 24 of the Ethiopian CFIA; article 25 of the Surinamese CFIA).   The settlement approach, followed by this type of arbitration, may be seen…

…including the Public-Private Partnership Act, which expressly refers to international arbitration as a means of resolving disputes involving state parties. The previous arbitration framework in Argentina Historically, arbitration in Argentina…

…and Machado perhaps could illustrate or translate the First Lusophones’ Arbitration Meeting that took place during the Paris Arbitration Week (PAW) in April 2018. The Portuguese-speaking world, whether it is…

arbitration? On 31 January 2018, an arbitral tribunal composed of Professor Ricardo Ramírez Hernández, Professor John Gotanda and Professor Philippe Sands issued a Procedural Order No. 2 on the issue…

…foremost choices are Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) and the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC). 3)See e.g. Joe Liu (Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre), The Use of Arbitration for…

…negative perceptions surrounding arbitration as a dispute resolution mechanism, such as its supposed lack of speed, and correspondingly, its putatively high cost. Certainly, international commercial arbitration cases involve numerous variables…

…of efficiencies developed by administering institutions. To cite an example, the Swiss Rulesdeveloped fast arbitration through a) expedited procedures within 6 months; b) arbitration to be decided only on evidentiary…