…the invalidity of the arbitration agreement; and the BGH upholding the ruling of the Higher Regional Court of Frankfurt am Main, which had declared Austrian Raiffeisen Bank’s UNCITRAL arbitration against…

…the mounting global challenges regarding energy investment, climate action, and sustainable development. The ECT reform process missed the mark in nature, scope, ambition, and speed to address the ECT’s risks…

…the Peruvian government, thus violating his legitimate expectations.   Peru’s Jurisdictional Objections In accordance with article 23 of the 2013 UNCITRAL Rules, applicable to the case, Peru raised six objections…

…account matters such as the equality of arms, as well as issues regarding costs, consistency, independence and impartiality. There is a need for structural reform, he concluded. In this process,…

…that time, Working Group III has developed text with reform options and there is an agreed framework which will act as a vehicle for reform by 2026. Ms. Joubin-Bret also…

…2, which is now ongoing, delegates can expect another busy day of interesting panels and side events. Panels will touch upon ISDS reform, regional perspectives from all corners of the…

…and the Cook Islands, Tonga is the only other Pacific Island country to enact legislation based on the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration. What has contributed to Tonga’s…

…basis for the exclusion of a document before an arbitral body under the IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence. (IBA Rules, art. 9(2)(b).) The UNCITRAL Model Law, ICC Rules,…

…Convention” for the enforcement of mediated settlements was introduced at the 2014 UNCITRAL Working Group II session by which country? Singapore The United States of America Ecuador Australia The Netherlands…