In the ever-evolving landscape of international commercial disputes, the co-existence of arbitration and insolvency-related proceedings has become a focal point. This comparative piece delves into the legal position in three…

…mirrors the approach in other states, such as New York,3)See the 2014 New York Supreme Court Ruling to quash nonparty subpoenas in Empire State Building v. New York Skyline, Inc….

…principle be remedied through the constitution of a new tribunal (comp. Rule 74(1) of the ICSID Arbitration Rules). On a more fundamental level, the Advocate-General argued that the principle of…

…has a committee with permanent and non-permanent members. This committee discusses and agrees on any sensitive issue concerning foreign investments, including any potential settlement.   New ICSID Arbitration Rules and…

…longer arbitration durations, averaging about one year and seven months. Due to the lengthening of arbitrations, the cost of arbitration increases, and the primary benefit of arbitration — cost efficiency…

…be settled by arbitration, as long as: (i) they are compatible with arbitration; (ii) other investors can also intervene in the arbitration, and (iii) these proceedings are made public, as…

…refused to revise the tariffs related to the concession, although it acknowledged that they were inadequate and even concealed documents to prove this. Claimant initiated the arbitration alleging that all…

…of arbitration agreements. It demonstrated the need for courts to stay court proceedings in favour of arbitration where the relevant issue falls within the scope of the arbitration agreement, to…