…terms: (i) The invalidity of the arbitration agreement (Art. 44(1)(a)(i)) – Meydan had never advanced any arguments as to the invalidity of the arbitration agreement: Meydan’s argument of invalidity in…

…judgment creditor …, be referred to arbitration under the Arbitration Rules of the DIFC-LCIA Arbitration Centre” (my emphasis). Equally, the suggested wording of the DIFC-LCIA arbitration clause contained in the

…resolve the dispute, Pakistan referred the matter to arbitration before a Court of Arbitration constituted under the Treaty (and supported by the Permanent Court of Arbitration), comprising of seven members,…

…in relation to future set-aside applications – particularly in relation to infra petita and ultra petita challenges in complex, multi-party arbitrations. Background: the Arbitration Proceedings and Award The arbitration arose…

The Commission’s Review draws heavily upon recent data released by UNCTAD covering trends in investment treaty arbitration. Indeed, the Commission observes that its concerns over ISDS provisions “are heightened by…

Third-party funding is a controversial, dynamic, and evolving phenomenon in international arbitration. Proponents and opponents of third-party funding debate whether the practice will make a positive or negative impact on…