On 17 March 2015, the UN Convention on Transparency in Treaty-Based Investor-State Arbitration was opened for signature. So far, nine countries have signed the treaty (among them, Canada, France, Germany,…

…the arbitration, including, for instance, the duty under Article 14.5 to ‘do everything necessary in good faith for the fair, efficient and expeditious conduct of the arbitration’.9)LCIA Rules (2014), Article…

…contains an arbitration clause and arbitration proceedings between the Port Trust and the Indian Company are currently underway (“Contract Arbitration”). LDA initiated a separate investment treaty claim under the 1997…

…Netherlands and the Slovak Republic, the claimant initiated arbitral proceedings on 1 October 2008 pursuant to the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. The parties designated the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The…

…stated in the arbitration clause), Justice Prakash took a robust and commercially sensible approach to construing the parties’ arbitration agreement – placing emphasis on SIAC’s role in arbitrator appointments under…