…International Commercial Arbitration Law in 2018, which adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law with minor changes. Ms. Inés Corrá discussed three Argentinian Supreme Court decisions that, in her view, demonstrate the…

…in Germany, Mr. Gusy concurred that civil law jurisdictions may approach the rule of functus officio on a more issue-by-issue level, drawing comparisons to the UNCITRAL Model Law which provides…

…determines that in the negotiations of the dispute settlement mechanism, parties will take into account progress on “structural reform of investment dispute settlement” in the context of the UNCITRAL. What…

…characteristic of arbitration practice. Article 11 of the UNCITRAL Model Law provides a default solution where parties have not agreed how to constitute the tribunal. Several jurisdictions including Ethiopia, Kenya,…

…“the proper course of action would be to apply to the Arbitrator in the first instance, before knocking on the doors of the court.”   Possible Reform: An Appeal Mechanism…

The discussion within UNCITRAL Working Group III (WG III) on counterclaims has still remained, to a certain extent, deadlocked, as opposed to discussions on other topics under the table. As…