…success is based on early and steadfast support from the Government of Singapore for international arbitration in general – first-rate legislation based on the UNCITRAL Model Law, a strong judiciary,…

…NYC among national courts, too (See Praštalo, Uniformity in the Application of the CISG, p. 197, fn 1084 referring to UNCITRAL Guide; Schwenzer/Tebel, The Word is not Enough–Arbitration, Choice of…

…Law Society of Singapore having suggested during the reform’s public consultation process that DBAs should be allowed in order to “provide equal opportunities for Singapore lawyers to compete” with lawyers…

…doing so are significant.   To what extent has ICSID coordinated the revision process with the ongoing discussions in UNCITRAL’s Working Group III concerning procedural reform for investor-State arbitration? As…

…Consultation Paper by the Outcome Related Fee Structures for Arbitration Sub-committee (the “Sub-committee“) of the Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong (the “Commission“). The Sub-committee proposed that the law in…

…is precisely what The Hague Rules on Business and Human Rights Arbitration seek to supplement. The Hague Rules modified the 2010 UNCITRAL arbitration rules to adapt them to human rights…

…Stand-Alone Rules, or Appendix and When Should They Apply, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, September 16, 2020; Julián Bordaçahar, UNCITRAL, Expedited!, Kluwer Arbitration Blog, July 14, 2021; UNCITRAL Expedited Arbitration Rules) ↑2…

…legislative reform and its impact on the seizabililty of assets located in France belonging to foreign States, and discusses its anticipated application.   Laya JONEYDI, Shahab JAFARI, Competence-Competence Principle in…

…the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules by an Austrian and a Croatian bank, Raiffeisen Bank International and Raiffeisen Bank Austria, against Croatia based on the 1997 Agreement between the Republic of Austria…

…review the applicable BIT’s, as most of them provide for longer sunset clauses and alternative dispute resolution forums such as UNCITRAL and ICSID Additional Facility. For instance, most BIT’s subscribed…

…wanted to assess the 2017 Reform’s effects. After the 2017 Reform, courts reviewed and rendered decisions on applications brought under the pre-Reform and post-Reform rules. It would therefore not be…

…Investment Arbitration Rules were developed against the background of consideration of ISDS by other institutions, including ICSID (which just published Working Paper #6 on proposed revisions to its rules), UNCITRAL’s…