…because a mediation concluded without a settlement does not mean that the mediation failed. An unsettled mediation can also yield benefits, such as: (i) a better understanding of the dispute…

…its initials in Spanish), as for example the CEA Code of Good Practice for Arbitration and the CEA Code for Good Practice for Mediation. The amendment of the Spanish Arbitration…

…with educating the public on the advantages of such alternative mechanisms, especially in the context of the draft Singapore Convention on the International Settlement Agreements resulting from Mediation. With respect…

…hearing. Compared to adversarial processes, the conciliation and mediation mechanisms under CETA and EUVIPA envisage a more flexible evidentiary process aiming to provide a fair and independent system. Unlike under…

…Section 98P Arbitration and Mediation Legislation (Third Party Funding)(Amendment) Ordinance 2017 ↑2 Section 98N Arbitration and Mediation Legislation (Third Party Funding)(Amendment) Ordinance 2017 ↑3 Section 98H Arbitration and Mediation Legislation…

…The new VIAC Rules are no longer limited to application in international cases, but are now also relevant to domestic cases, both in arbitration and mediation. Notably, Article 10 explicitly…

…Singapore Mediation Convention on 7 August 2019. 2. First Emergency Arbitrator and New International Commercial Courts in China China saw its first emergency arbitrator (“EA”) procedures under Beijing Arbitration Commission…