…parties, the arbitral tribunal may hold the arbitration hearings (a) at any physical venue it deems appropriate, or (b) through modern means of communication and technology (e.g., video conferencing). However,…

…cross-border application of the public policy exception, nonetheless, today better communication and technology make it possible to know both how courts in different countries are dealing with the public policy…

…that external lawyers stifle change whereas in-house counsel enable change, fueling further controversy and disparity. More challenges and opportunities arise from innovative technology and online dispute resolution (Kim Rooney, Gilt…

…decision-making is through confidential, off-the-record, person-to-person exchanges by their lawyers. Put more simply, arbitrator selection relies on 19th Century technology.   This method produces several negative consequences. First, the lack…

…(FAI Secretary General) opened the event with an outline of the conference topics—public-private arbitration, transparency, technology, sports arbitration and the users’ perspective—examined during the conference from non-conventional angles to shed…