…to various benefits. Arbitration was initiated (Arbitration No. 1) and Hederstierna submitted a number of prayers for relief. Hederstierna’s prayers for relief included requests for the Tribunal to order the…

…of China as an investment – and consequently an arbitration – destination, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer’s Cologne office recently hosted a conference on Chinese arbitration for German practitioners and members of…

In a decision rendered on April 15, 2009, a three-member tribunal composed of Brigitte Stern as chairperson, Andreas Bucher and Juan Fernandez-Armesto rejected Phoenix Action Ltd’s (“Phoenix”) claims against the…

…Petrobangla provided for arbitration under the ICC Rules with Dhaka, Bangladesh as the seat of arbitration. A dispute arose and Saipem began an arbitration. During the arbitration, the ICC Tribunal…