…Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (“CPTPP,” which entered into force for most of its parties on December 30, 2018), Canada-U.S.-Mexico Agreement (“CUSMA,” also known as USMCA or T-MEC, which entered…

…and through their manifestation at the regional and bilateral level, as was evident from our coverage of the new dispute settlement paradigms established by the USMCA and ECT modernization process….

USMCA succeeds the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and covers a range of trade-related issues, and investment protection. As reported by Kiran Gore and Esmé Shirlow, the USMCA provides…

…from investment treaty-making confirm this, including the USMCA, CPTPP, the EU’s investment agreements with Canada, Singapore and Viet Nam, ACIA, and the China-Hong Kong CEPA (which altogether eschews investor-state arbitration…

…of Central America-Korea FTA (2018), Article 9.18 of CPTPP, Article 3.4 of EU-Singapore IPA (2018), Article 10 of Kazakhstan-UAE BIT (2018), Article 14.D.2 of USMCA (2018). While the use of…

…investors under international investment agreements. For example, the United States Mexico Canada Agreement (the “USMCA”), which replaced the North American Free Trade Agreement (“NAFTA”) on July 1, 2020, removed investor-State…

…advisory depending on the specific treaty. For example, the new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (“USMCA”), the Free Trade Commission could submit its interpretation on the treaty provision, which will be binding…

As North America embarks into a post-NAFTA era with the USMCA, it is crucial to analyze the new agreement’s disciplines. The USMCA Investment Chapter, for instance, has been the subject…

The Investment Chapter of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement “USMCA,” Chapter 14 has had a controversial trajectory. Chapter 14 reflects a remarkable evolution in United States (“U.S.”) policy on the protection…

…countries, there is one standout development in the USMCA for Canada: its non-participation in the investor-State dispute settlement mechanism (“ISDS”). To be clear, Chapter 14 of the USMCA continues to…

…practitioners. Meanwhile, “NAFTA 2.0,” the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement (USMCA), continued toward ratification and entry into force. As reported in our 2018 year in review post, this is a significant regional…