…  USMCA will not enter into force before May 2020 Although USMCA was originally signed in November 2018, 2019 went by without its provisions coming into force. According to its…

…Canada Agreement (USMCA), considerable modifications have been introduced to dispute settlement mechanisms regulated therein. In addition to the US, the EU has been actively promoting its model and the reform…

…conclusion of megaregional agreements (e.g. CETA, USMCA, CPTPP) maintained impetus, especially in Africa, pending the promising operationalization of the African Union’s first CFTA. 2. Morocco’s Diplomatic Network Consolidated in the…

…Senate. The USMCA eliminates investor-state arbitration between the U.S. and Canada, while allowing investor-state arbitration between the U.S. and Mexico. However, USMCA’s provisions are more restrictive than those found in…

…new USMCA excludes the minimum standard (FET) and indirect expropriation from arbitration reducing the possibility of claims, considering that FET is the most invoked provision by investors. Concerning USMCA influence,…

…brief note discusses preliminary impressions from the released text of the USMCA and addresses only the investor-state arbitration provisions in USMCA, Chapter 14, that purport to replace Chapter 11 of…