…of JICs is to control the interpretative process carried out by investment tribunals. Their effect is to facilitate an automatic prevalence of JIs in the interpretative process. Thus, contrary to…

…but unprecedented. The dispute arose out of a rental estate leasing agreement between two natural persons. Such agreement provided for a novel arbitration mechanism: a hybrid process. The clause stated…

The Second Edition of the Washington Arbitration Week took place from 29 November to 3 December 2021, hosting 16 panels, including two hybrid panels with both in-person and virtual attendees….

…for the domestic and international legal ordre. Inherent to the transnational legal process is the idea that peaceful acts, including conciliatory and amicable dispute resolution, are preferred over unilateral tactics,…

…talents required to resolve particular disputes. Meanwhile, unconscious bias may impact the decisionmaking process and drawing from a more diverse arbitrator and mediator pool can help parties reach a more…

…arbitrary conduct, breach of procedural fairness and due process, and lack of transparency. Claimant’s claims arose from the SAT’s decision to initiate criminal proceedings and submit seizure orders against the…

…and Environmental Due Diligence for Global Supply Chains). Keeping in mind that HRDD is an ongoing and “person centered” process, Mr. Benke proposed six steps that companies can follow for…

…Procedure”) which—unsurprisingly—is unsuitable for commercial arbitration. While the parties could agree on different terms and depart from some rules, this “bargaining” process, when possible, was far from efficient. The 2021…

…impartiality not under Article 1520(2) CCP (irregular constitution of the tribunal), but under Article 1520(5) CCP (review on public policy grounds) as a breach of due process. One could hope…

…the reform process does not entirely address all concerns and critiques of ISDS, the modernization process does result from an attempt to harmonize different and – sometimes – opposed views….