…powers) and the best practices of the LCIA itself. The reform of the 2020 Rules should thus help the LCIA maintain its leading global position in resolving international commercial disputes….

…Kun Fan of UNSW Law in his article, “Supreme Courts and Arbitration: China“.2)See also, Jingzhou Tao and Mariana Zhong, “China’s 2017 Reform of its Arbitration-Related Court Review Mechanism with a…

UNCITRAL Working Groups II and III. Although the pandemic has indeed forced certain meetings to be postponed, reform efforts continue largely unimpeded.   Expedited commercial arbitration Working Group II, with…

…Articles V(1)(d) of the NYC and 34(2)(iv) of UNCITRAL Model Law. However, the Court’s analysis on the standard required under the NYC and the UNCITRAL Model Law is unclear. The…

…cases. To this end, the ECT contracting parties have proposed to reform damages in the context of the ECT modernization process. For instance, Turkey has suggested an additional protocol to…

…the potential to memorialize a uniform set of ethical expectations for ISDS generally.” UNCITRAL’s Working Group III on ISDS Reform addressed the drafting of the code in its thirty-fifth, thirty-seventh,…

reform discussions, including those in the UNCITRAL, ICSID and OECD contexts. The EU, for instance, has referred to ongoing multilateral initiatives for reform of investor-State dispute settlement processes, including its…

…Law and the Law Reform Committee of the Singapore Academy of Law also actively consider reforms to arbitration law. A noteworthy proposal under consideration is to introduce to the International…

…disputes. By contrast, the 2016 Arbitration reform brought some clarity in Russia: since 1 February 2017, all “corporate disputes” (i) must be administered by accredited “Permanent Arbitration Institutions” only, (ii)…