…(e.g. definition of terms, entry into force and termination, scope of application) while rules specific to these different dispute resolution mechanisms (any agreement and rules on the appellate mechanism, the

…new top level domain names. The IRP provides for dispute resolution through international arbitration based on the ICDR International Arbitration Rules, supplemented by Interim Supplementary Procedures. Sabater, who has acted…

…on the “public interest” when considering interim relief applications. Admittedly, there remains ambiguity concerning the applicable standard for interim relief applications in international arbitrations, and the prevailing rules generally provide…

…institution, reporting on major developments over the last year. Meg Kinnear (Secretary-General, ICSID) provided a brief overview of the 2022 revisions to the ICSID Rules and Regulations (“the Rules”), achieved…

…despite the return to the rich immersive experience of hybrid hearings, the next new normal will present fresh challenges for us to the taking of evidence in the arbitral process….

…voting, works in practice: After the Kleros jurors are “appointed” (which is based on whoever stakes the most tokens), the parties have the opportunity to submit evidence. Jurors are incentivised…

…investment case encompassing ESG activities, the tribunal might be tasked with evaluating those activities. Outside of this scope, tribunals would be reluctant taking decisions concerning ESG if not explicitly asked…