…pierced the corporate veil and, in the process, formulated the ‘Bancec factors’ to determine, in effect, whether a corporation was functioning as the wholly-owned instrumentality of a foreign government. The…

…to the process by which a successful party seeks the municipal court’s assistance in ensuring compliance with the award (as recognised) and obtaining the redress to which it is entitled….

…State-owned power operator (which in 2000 was in the process of privatisation). The agreement contained a clause referring disputes to arbitration under the rules of the Arbitration Chamber of the…

process, taking of evidence, legal aid, and choice of law, as well as an infrastructure of central authorities, all aiding the operation of cross-border dispute resolution. The HCCH system contributes,…

…Comments An amendment to the Arbitration Law is in process. It is unclear whether emergency arbitrators will be introduced to the upcoming version of the Arbitration Law. However, with the…