…emails, according to the non-binding – yet authoritative – 2006 UNCITRAL Recommendation interpreting the means of communication in Article II(2) as non-exhaustive). Instead, Article 11 of the CISG professes the…

…and highly respected umpires, with no or only modest increase in costs. Last, this reform further reflects, and reinforces, the non-profit nature of arbitration institutions in China, and sets a…

…so far with expedite arbitration under the new arbitration rules at TRAC? TRAC Rules 2018 are based on the 2010 UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules , with some modifications to make them…

…federal government has not adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law, but federal courts have interpreted the FAA consistently with the UNCITRAL Model Law. But where underlying transactions take place completely within…

…commence UNCITRAL Rules (ad hoc) arbitration against Korea. It usefully adds an expedited procedure for submissions, hearings, and drafting of the arbitral award, but envisages first “consultations” without specifying any…

…legal advisors to reduce costs and other “institutional barriers” to pursuing formal dispute resolution procedures. Nissan’s UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules claim in 2017 under the India-Japan FTA is even bolder, as…

…these issues, EAs variously made reference to general “international arbitration practice”, the lex arbitri and international guidance such as the UNCITRAL Model Law of 2006. From the above it can…