…such an arbitrator would perceive the applicable law from the perspective of his/her own legal system.   The Reform of the Swiss Legal Framework on International Arbitration Prof. Dr. Milena…

…the traditional investor-state dispute resolution clause in favour of ICSID arbitration, or ad-hoc arbitration under the UNCITRAL Rules, along with chapters on arbitration of trade disputes and international commercial arbitration…

…Opinion gives a boost for the European Commission’s efforts to promote its idea of a MIC, which is currently discussed in UNCITRAL Working Group III. However, at the last meeting…

…position itself as an important, relevant and predictable hub for Latin American arbitrations. The new Argentine international commercial arbitration law – based on the UNCITRAL Model Law and its 2006…

…the tribunal has to take into consideration the efficiency of the proceeding and judicial economy. ‘Old-generation’ BITs do not explicitly address counterclaims. However, both UNCITRAL Rules (Art. 21) and the…

…from the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration of 1985.2) See Nilsson/Andersson in: Franke/Magnusson/Ragnwaldh/Wallin, International Arbitration in Sweden, 2013, chapter 1, paras. 20-21, 39. The SAA 1999 remains applicable…

…an arbitration act fully consistent with current internationally-recognized standards embedded in the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration (1985; with amendments adopted in 2006; “UNCITRAL Model Law”). Enacted in…