…fact, several arbitral institutions in the region launched new arbitration rules to ‘catch up’ with international arbitration rules and reflect the use of technologies in arbitration proceedings amidst the ‘new…

…2018 (“Arbitration Law”) is a procedural law given that it contains the procedural rules of arbitration and is therefore part of “the rules of procedure” envisaged in Article III of…

…reasons, enforcement and recognition of awards should be sought outside the EU. Thus, while the EU is rapidly becoming an arbitration-hostile jurisdiction, other more arbitration-friendly jurisdictions such as the UK,…

…is underway, but progress is slow and hampered by politics. Therefore, as this short overview will explain, it will be necessary for arbitration practitioners to consider the interaction between the…

…constituted the foundation of investment arbitration, the perceived reversed imbalance in the current IIA and investment arbitration landscape is at the heart of today’s backlash and legitimacy crisis. For that…

…as “efficient and well-organized” and as “in absolute control of the hearings and paying attention, with a likable personality, well-humored and approachable. …[A] very impressive performance.” If you anticipate requesting…

The Center for Studies and Research in Arbitration from the University of São Paulo (“CEPArb-USP”) has recently made public the findings of its pioneer empirical research on challenges of arbitrators…

…institutions, their customers, and counterparties. It is hoped that all finance parties, and those advising them, consider arbitration in accordance with the P.R.I.M.E. Finance Arbitration Rules, and adopt P.R.I.M.E. Finance’s…

…discussed above showcase the efforts of the arbitration community to address stakeholders’ concerns as to the need for transparency, participation and accountability in investment arbitration. These structural reforms, and their…

Inconsistent decisions have long been a major criticism in investment arbitration. This does not only pertain to decisions on procedure, jurisdiction or merits but also to quantum issues. This contribution…

…apply to all arbitration participants, including tribunals which are designed to secure arbitration participants’ access to arbitration data,1)“Arbitration Data” is defined under Rule 1.2 of the Cybersecuity Rules as “any…

arbitration and not ISDS. Unfortunately for the foreign investor, the CFIA does only contemplate state-state arbitration thus leaving the foreign investors in the hands of member states again, depending on…