…hand, yearning for “stronger” arbitrators seem to be on the tide in international arbitration. A “stronger” arbitrator is one who is not overly constrained by the due process paranoia, who…

…the Final Award alleging that the Tribunal had violated their fundamental rights to due process and access to justice. The Gecelca companies also requested interim measures to suspend the payment…

…corollary to bank resolution have so far focused on the purported conformity of the resolution process to investment protection standards of treatment, the availability of state defenses against such claims…

…institutions based on ‘general reputation and recognition‘. The process and development of current institutional rules Against this background, one may wonder why arbitral institutions seek to create new rules to…

…of early dismissal procedures in arbitration. Despite their “broad discretion” arbitrators typically suffer from “due process paranoia” that leads to lengthier proceedings in arbitration, adding to the expense. In response,…

…it will have three possible paths to dispute the proposed compensation: (i) the already traditional judicial process; (ii) mediation, following the rules of Statute # 13.140/15, or (iii) arbitration, following…

…of the proceedings. On the other hand, challenges often result in delay, thereby prolonging the dispute resolution process. What is your perspective as an arbitrator? I find today that there…