arbitration. The focus of the conference was decidedly post-pandemic, exploring fault lines and cleavages in the system of international arbitration as we know it today, potential developments in arbitration as…

…are in store? Can existing arbitration practitioners educate and inspire litigation counsel to embrace arbitration as an efficient, effective, and creative process of dispute resolution? Will these additional litigators dilute…

…arbitrate or not to arbitrate”. In fact, aside from the typical advantages of arbitration over litigation, tax reduction has now become an additional advantage for choosing arbitration to resolve a…

…are “not likely to promote diversity in international arbitration.” He also observed that a small pool of international arbitration practitioners from developed countries are regularly appointed in international arbitration. As…

…in common with many other disputes regularly brought to international arbitration:   Binance has Terms of Use that provide a clear reference to HKIAC arbitration, a seat of arbitration in…

…to green arbitration, transparency, diversity and efficiency in international arbitration. Allen & Overy hosted the webinar, with Marieke van Hooijdonk opening the event.   The 2022 NAI Arbitration Rules The…