…China and the antiquated PRC Arbitration Law. A modern national arbitration law consistent with international practices is a fundamental prerequisite for consideration as a safe seat of arbitration. Thus, enactment…

…UNCITRAL award rendered in 2013. Since the arbitration proceedings, the debate focused on whether the tribunal had ratione materiae jurisdiction over the claimant’s contractual rights, and more specifically whether the…

Drawing a well-defined line of demarcation between domestic and international public policy when enforcing foreign arbitral awards sends a clear pro-arbitration message from national courts in any jurisdiction. Does Hungarian…

…tribunal ought to recognize.   The Legal Consequences of Recognizing Environmental Protection as an Emerging Erga Omnes Obligation in Investment Arbitration The legal effects of environmental protection as an erga…

…passing. We join the international arbitration community in mourning this great loss. His invaluable contributions to progress international arbitration in Qatar and the wider region will be fondly remembered. References[+]…

The views of the party-appointed experts in an arbitration may differ substantially, making it difficult for tribunals to navigate within the multiple areas of disagreement. Even if the disagreed issues…

arbitration on 2 February 2021 and Uniper commenced ICSID arbitration on 30 April 2021. Uniper and RWE also commenced court proceedings (presumably one procedure per power plant, as reported to…

arbitration. Her dissent was grounded in jurisprudence from Chapter 1 of the FAA, which addresses domestic arbitration law (noting that Chapter 2 of the FAA addresses international arbitration law, by…

…breach of contract and unjust enrichment. The contract contained an arbitration clause requiring disputes to be submitted to arbitration under the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) “in the city where Freshii…