…involving corruption in both the 2017 Belokon and 2018 Alstom cases, the Court further clarified its approach in Samwell. Although corruption is most often addressed on public policy grounds, the…

corruption in domestic and international affairs than ever before. France has indeed significantly strengthened its anti-corruption framework since adopting the so-called “Sapin II” law in December 2016, introducing mandatory anti-corruption

…Peru, as do investigations in other cases involving alleged corruption by Brazilian companies known as “Operação Lava Jato” or “Operation Car Wash”.   Karima Sauma (CICA, Costa Rica) moderated a…

…and combat corruption Corporate social responsibility Non-lowering of standards General exception for health Seeking to preserve regulatory autonomy FET standard Japan–Morocco BIT Art. 7 (aspirational language) None Art. 19 Art….

…government officials of being subjected to allegations for corruption or prosecution. Further examining the broad acceptance of confidentiality in investor-State mediation, Esmé Shirlow situated this practice against increasing calls to…

…their own scope of application. Parallel to the national concepts of public policy, Mr. Derains highlighted truly (transnational) international public policy rules, such as the prohibition of corruption, forced labour,…

…of parts of the traditional system, like the finality of awards.   The Odebrecht scandal: What’s the burden of proof to prove corruption acts? It’s been almost four years since…

…a general unwillingness to assume responsibility for voluntary settlements, the politicisation of disputes, negative publicity, and the fear by government officials of being subjected to allegations for corruption or prosecution….

corruption, among other grounds. Ultimately the Tribunal held that there were insufficient red flags directly related to the concession agreement and rejected the corruption allegations. This award demonstrates that the…

…of these queries arose from the uncovering of bad practices and acts of corruption associated to the “Lava Jato” investigation, which managed to permeate arbitration in Latin America.3)The “Lava Jato”…

…policy refers to the issues such as fraud, corruption, breach of natural justice, etc. The French renowned jurist, Philippe Fouchard, stated that “the French procedural public policy underlines rejecting an…

…of bribery and corruption offenses. Given these global developments, it is unsurprising that corruption defenses have become more common in international investment arbitration, and often these corruption investigations occur in…