…that both policies can be properly taken into account in the complementary phases of the arbitration itself and of the review process by the courts.9)OECD, Arbitration and competition, 26 October…

…privacy of the arbitral process and perceived certainty in the binding nature of arbitral awards, arbitral agreements have grown in use with the increase in international trade. Despite the size…

…new models of Bilateral Investment Treaties, such as the Dutch Model Bilateral Investment Treaty; (ii) the amendment process of the Arbitration Rules of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment…

…fundamental breach of due process; manifestly arbitrary conduct; or harassment, coercion, abuse of power or similar bad faith conduct Another curious provision is Art 14.18 which establishes a Committee of…

…OIC but according to recent information, a process has been commenced by member-States in order to replace the mechanism provided in article 17. This process led to proposals for the…