…UN and EU sanctions – which aimed at “contributing to the maintenance or restoration of international peace and security” – were mandatory rules integrated into the French conception of international…

…way to addressing the above transparency concerns. The ICC rules, however, would still arguably not be fully compliant with the GPA given that the rules exclude appeals on a point…

the first award set aside by the Paris Court of Appeal. Indeed, the State of Libya alleged that there was “serious, precise, and concurring evidence” sufficient to demonstrate that the

…is assessed through the lens of whether or not the investor, in the precise circumstances of each case (and taking into account the nature of any specific promise or commitment…

…one of the concerns leading parties to choose the largely confidential arbitration proceedings over litigation (see Art. 44 Swiss Rules). Art. 25(6) Swiss Rules even explicitly provides that arbitration hearings…

…Fund and the Kyoto Protocol. Arbitration rules, if necessary, may be amended to encourage parties to appoint arbitrators with relevant expertise and knowledge of environmental law. Such an option –…

…political element will inevitably be associated with any dispute that involves public policy, with no irrefutable evidence that international judges are more independent and impartial than arbitrators. To that end,…

…of First Instance and one before an arbitral tribunal constituted under the ICC rules. As such, despite the arbitration agreement contained in the contract, the Republic of Benin hurried to…