process also brought to light challenges associated with Australia’s current (flexible) approach to the negotiation of trade and investment treaties, including its case-by-case negotiation of ISDS provisions. The Joint Standing…

…EAs and parties to employ once such an EA procedure is established. We consider several such practices below. Establishing the procedures early in the process: In general, EA rules permit…

…pleadings, Woguan sought to have the arbitral award’s recognition and enforcement be refused on various grounds: (ⅰ) Invalid arbitration clause; (ⅱ) Breach of due process by the arbitral tribunal; and/or…

…of possible cancellation for contravening the principles of congruence, contradiction, and due process. Determining what law governs in international arbitration is a complex task that has been the subject of…

…to the merits, to the arbitral process (lex arbitri) and to the arbitration agreement. This rule applies not only to arbitrations involving foreign parties but also to purely domestic arbitrations….

…provides for binding arbitration, can provide a temporary alternative. When the WTO was first formed, DSU dispute settlement effectively replaced the weaker dispute settlement process that had existed before under…

…with costs in separate proceedings following the substantive judgment. This is necessary due to the detailed nature of the process and often a specialist costs judge is required to determine…

…agreement, is necessary to ensure that the dispute resolution process does not become unnecessarily protracted. The scope of existing Section 11(6A) Since the decision in SBP vs. Patel Engineering AIR…