…core rules on recognition and enforcement of foreign judgements in civil or commercial matters. It will provide greater predictability and certainty in relation to the ‘global circulation’ of foreign judgements….

Introduction In domestic award enforcement proceedings, the U.S. federal Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (“Second Circuit”) in New York recently reversed a lower federal trial court’s decision to…

…Efforts are thus made by the arbitration community to improve the existing rules and practices in order to tackle these inconveniences.1)This includes in particular guidelines and rules prepared by various…

…and the level of detail in the reasoning and whether the decision complies with the formal requirements for an award under any applicable rules; and the reasonable recipient must be…

…later consolidated and are now being heard by a single arbitral tribunal operating under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules 2013. The case, Antonio del Valle Ruiz et al. v. Kingdom of…

…well-regarded with increasing caseload and constant self-improvements, such as the 2018 revision to the HKIAC Rules. Arbitration-related judgments have shown that the Hong Kong courts remain neutral and pro-arbitration. The…

Introduction Even a cursory analysis of the history of the procedural rules of leading arbitral institutions demonstrates that procedural rules are increasing in number and becoming ever more comprehensive in…

…Private equity moves fast, but arbitration is speedy, efficient and institutional rules provide adequate interim measures to the parties. It is responsive to the needs of the parties. As a…

…internal rules, the superior had not influenced the expert’s substantive findings in any way, but had for organizational reasons merely signed the letter by which the report was transmitted to…