…conducting a consultation on amending its rules, and several States considering alternatives to the current system of investment treaty arbitration. A state of flux, however, also creates opportunity. With these…

…tribunals enjoy a rather wide discretion when deciding on the admissibility of evidence. Arbitration rules contain almost no guidance regarding the admissibility of illegal evidence specifically, and the Vis Moot…

…the confidentiality through a separate agreement or applicable rules. Although investment arbitrations in many cases have been conducted confidentially (while only awards and a few procedural decisions become public), recent…

…Investment Arbitration Rules (the ‘CIETAC Rules’). The BAC Rules have made a series of innovations and proposed a ‘Chinese approach’ to the issues and drawbacks of the current investment arbitration…

…the recent Prague Rules were mentioned, comparing them with the IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration. The comparison was mainly focused on the document production stage…

…overturned a refusal by the Khor Fakkan Court of Appeal (the “Court of Appeal”) to recognize and enforce a foreign arbitral award issued under the Rules of the London Court…