In 2013, China proposed to jointly build the “Belt and Road” Initiative. While the international investment agreements (“IIAs”) proposed to be concluded with China and its counterparties along the “Belt…

…News 31 July 2018, ↑3 See SIAC Rules 2016, Schedule 1, item 8; LCIA Arbitration Rules 2014, Article 9.7; ICC Rules of Arbitration 2017, Appendix IV(f) ↑4 SIAC Rules

…of international conventions and arbitration rules of foreign arbitration institutions; and above all, the arbitrability of contractual parties’ tax disputes. Case Summary On behalf of Subway International B.V. (“Subway”), two…

…the LCIA, or one of the renowned Brazilian arbitral institutions: CAM-CCBC (whose rules of arbitration were adopted for the 2017 Vienna Vis Moot), CAMARB, Ciesp/Fiesp, CBMA, Amcham and others.  …

…(Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes, arts. 4.4, 4.7). Also, the DSU rules govern notice, consultations, discovery, panel establishment and proceedings, and report circulation. Furthermore, the…

…See for example Articles 38(4) and (5) of the ICC Rules and Article 28.4 of the LCIA Rules. In this regard, it is notable that efficiency and cost-effectiveness appears to…

Arbitral institutions commonly offer model arbitration clauses for parties to incorporate into their contracts. Gary Born has stated that “[i]n the overwhelming majority of cases, … international arbitration agreements are…