UNCITRAL’s Working Group II (“WGII”) resumes next week its work on drafting expedited arbitration provisions (“EAPs”) for use with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules (“UARs”). One of the key “aims” underlying…

…process concerns swirl around expedited arbitration in a similar fashion to, e.g., emergency arbitration, adjudication, and early dismissal, but expedited arbitration is the choice offering for a quicker avenue to…

…the Secretariat’s Note prepared for the session and made available on July 23, 2020. Expedited arbitration procedures have become commonplace in arbitration institutional rules, offering parties an opportunity to resolve…

…expedited arbitration provisions. ICSID Arbitration Rules and UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, the main arbitration rules currently used for investment arbitration proceedings, are in the process of approving their first sets of…

Arbitration’ Should Be the ‘Emergency Arbitration’ of 2020, Hamish Lal and Brendan Casey, ‘Ten Years Later: Why the ‘Renaissance of Expedited Arbitration’ Should Be the ‘Emergency Arbitration’ of 2020’, in…

arbitration institutions, a powerful team of arbitration practitioners, a well-functioning system for training young arbitrators, an arbitration-friendly environment and geographical advantages. As you can see, establishing an international arbitration hub…

…contractual requirement of mediation before embarking on arbitration. This reflects the importance of relationships in our industry, and also the desire to avoid the costs of arbitration. Outside of this,…

…led to the seizure and nationalization of the investments in July 2010. The investors subsequently brought a Stockholm Chamber of Commerce arbitration under the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), alleging inter…

…Paulo. Apelação Cível no. 1056400-47.2019.8.26.0100 [Appeal no. 1056400-47.2019.8.26.0100]. on the grounds that the chair of the arbitral tribunal had failed to timely disclose his appointment to another arbitration by one…

Arbitration has been the default dispute resolution mechanism in the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) regime for a long time. Provisions for third-party procedures other than arbitration have been relatively rare…

…illustrious names in the arbitration sphere. Arguing for the motion were: Mr Gary Born, President, SIAC Court of Arbitration; Chair, International Arbitration Practice Group, Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr…

…Singapore, Mr Sundaresh Menon, delivered the keynote address on “Arbitration’s Blade: International Arbitration and the Rule of Law”. The plenary session on “International Arbitration: the Challenges and Changing Landscapes” followed…