…arbitration. Taking SHIAC arbitration rules as an example, in SHIAC’s 2014 version of Free Trade Zone Arbitration Rules, SHIAC was the first Chinese arbitration institution to provide for “mediation before…

…or invalidity thereof, shall be settled by arbitration under the Hong Kong International Centre Administered Arbitration Rules in force at the date of this Agreement”.   The Main Issue Moravia…

the balance should be placed received various answers: for example (i) the SIAC rules as amended in 2016 positioned that the awards should be published only upon consent of the

…Novation. This, the Court explained, is evidence that Petrobras continued with recognizing the agreement with the knowledge of the bribery allegations, and thus, ratified the agreement under Texas law. Therefore,…

…that they supplement the agreed procedure, rather than replace it (see here for a previous Kluwer Arbitration Blog post comparing the Prague Rules with the IBA Rules). However, he also…

…requests. Second, the judgment of the Court may become evidence of state practice on how Colombia interprets provisions such as “similar circumstances” or “legitimate expectations”. For better or worse, this…

the Taiwan Award Debtor applied to annul the award, the Shenzhen Award Debtor did not make the same application in the U.S. Evidence available was insufficient to show that the