…under the Arbitration Regulations of the Abu Dhabi Commercial Conciliation and Arbitration Centre(the “ADCCAC”), to be held in Abu Dhabi before a sole arbitrator (the “Arbitration Clause”). The Arbitration Clause…

…foreign investors through arbitration shall ensure the arbitration is conducted within the Kingdom in the Saudi Center for Commercial Arbitration or other arbitration centers licensed by the permanent committee referred…

As UNCITRAL Working Group III is proceeding to address concrete proposals to reform treaty-based investor-state arbitration, the future of investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) is at a historic juncture. Reform proposals…

…Société Rena Holding et Société Mnogutia Est Epices”. ↑3 K. Maxwell, “Summoning the Demon: Robot Arbitrators: Arbitration and Artificial Intelligence”, Practical Law Arbitration, 2019. Link: https://arbitrationblog.practicallaw.com/summoning-the-demon-robot-arbitrators-arbitration-and-artificial-intelligence/. ↑4 S. Nappert, “The…

…international arbitration developments in the United States. This year, the U.S. Supreme Court has already heard oral arguments regarding whether a non-signatory to an arbitration agreement can compel arbitration. Moreover,…

…industry and how alternative disputes mechanisms, such as arbitration, are the preferred ways to resolve disputes in the sector. She emphasized India’s commitment to be an arbitration friendly jurisdiction and…

…regard with substantial discretion. Moreover, the Arbitration Court with the Foreign Chamber of Commerce of Bosnia and Herzegovina (‘Arbitration Court’) briefly refers to the concept of consolidation in Article 40…

…Appellants sought to stay the arbitration proceedings, on the grounds that they had never consented to arbitration. Based on the competence-competence principle, the Court of First Instance refused to stay…

…International Arbitration Centre. Similarly the Tashkent International Arbitration Centre in Uzbekistan, which was established in November 2018, began administering disputes. In Kyrgyzstan, the government proposed institutionalizing arbitration as a mechanism…

…the sources of law are found and applied. But seeing how this relates to international commercial arbitration is a mysterious task. In fact, international commercial arbitration settings mostly witness the…

…governed by Articles 2 and 3 of the Arbitration Law of the People’s Republic of China (“Arbitration Law”). Article 2 states that “equal subjects of law” may arbitrate “contractual disputes…