…law but to “applicable rules and principles of international law”, which is why some tribunals have decided that EU law is not international law for the purposes of that provision….

the necessity that the parties themselves create for lengthy, expensive proceedings. Solutions to these issues such as third-party funding of disputes, proposed expedited rules, strengthened security for costs and interim…

…use of Blockchain (1) as a climate change investment vehicle, (2) in the collection of evidence of emission reduction compliance and (3) in the implementation of a Carbon Tax. Finally,…

…surprising and scarce reasoning, Batumi City Court read the arbitration clause as referring to ICC Rules of arbitration, and found it insufficient to determine parties’ will to refer their disputes…

…criteria: proximity, intensity, dependence, and materiality. Taking into account the facts regarding the significance of shares that UBS held in Suez and Vivendi, as well as the role of Prof….

…whose rules provide for recourse to arbitration will not have any choice but to accept the arbitral clause.’ Germany’s Federal Court of Justice (the Budesgerichtshof) took a similar stance in…

…of Procedure for Arbitration Proceedings, ICSID Additional Facility Rules if the former do not apply, UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules or any other rules agreed the parties. Constitution of First-instance Tribunal and…