…lacks transparency. In the commercial arbitration setting, the differing results that arbitrators sometimes reach by interpreting the same rules may lead to a lack of predictability. Though it can provide…

…role as an investigating authority. Under ICSID Rules (Rule 37), the Commission has frequently participated as a non-disputing party by submitting amicus curiae opinions. AES Summit v Hungary, Electrabel v…

…1 April 2014, and are incorporated into the 2013 UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules by Article 1(4) of those Rules. The Transparency Rules provide for increased transparency in investor-State proceedings conducted under…

…also LCIA Rules (1998), Article 18.1. Compare UNCITRAL Rules (2010), Article 5; ICDR Rules (2014), Article 12; Swiss Rules (2012), Article 15.6; WIPO Rules (2014), Article 13(a); ICC Rules (2012),…