…resolution process, subjecting the arbitration agreement to transnational rules—i.e. rules that are very widely, if not unanimously, followed in states that support the international trading system—seems to be a more…

…to be constituted under the Supplementary Procedures for the Arbitration of Olympic Sport Doping Disputes (the Supplementary Procedures), a modified version of the rules of the American Arbitration Association. Three…

…BITs allow some possibility of using the ICC Rules, either by expressly providing that option or by allowing the parties to agree on an institution and rules beyond those specified…

…CBC News. The NAFTA proceedings were administered under ICSID’s Additional Facility rules NAFTA, with a Tribunal composed of Prof. Hans van Houtte (President), Prof. Merit Janow and Prof. Philippe Sands….

and Julia Popelysheva, Clifford Chance LLP Introduction On 19 June 2012 the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitrazh Court of the Russian Federation (“SAC RF“) issued a decree (“Decree“) in case…

…irrelevant for our purposes, Seidel typically being cited for the proposition that consumer legislation should be interpreted generously in favour of consumers or for the general rules governing class actions….

…arbitration rules such as UNCITRAL (2010), ICC (2012), Swiss Rules on International Arbitration (2012), CIETAC (2012) specifically point out the milestone that such a truncated situation will only be considered…

…and enforcement of an arbitral award issued in August, 2000 under the Arbitration Rules of the International Centre for Dispute Resolution/American Arbitration Association (“ICDR/AAA”). Under such arbitral award, the arbitrators…