…WL 2927615, at *6 (D.N.J. Oct. 11, 2006). Oxus Gold involved an arbitration seated in London under the UNCITRAL Rules arising out of a bilateral investment treaty (“BIT”). The court…

…negotiating parties. These include Australia’s reluctance to include investor-state arbitration; Singapore and Vietnam’s hesitancy regarding stronger disciplines for SOEs; Vietnam’s concerns with textile rules of origin; and broad opposition to…

…refer to, or consider, the treaty standard’s independent normative existence and substantive content under international investment law, or to the rules of interpretation under VCLT Article 31. All that appears…

On 1 June 2012, the new revised version of the Swiss Rules of International Arbitration (“Swiss Rules”) will come into force. According to Article 1.3, the new Rules will apply…

…some extent, the new CIETAC Rules mirror the provisions of the recently revised ICC Rules, which also contain detailed provisions on consolidation. Under both sets of rules, for example, consolidation…