…Justice (“Court”) on the matter. These cases illustrate the process of analysis undertaken by the Court to decide requests for recognition and enforcement of foreign awards, namely the review of…

…While the Commission arguably arrived at the correct result, any higher purpose of interstate arbitration was unlikely served by such an acrimonious process, including accusations of perjury, bias, witness tampering,…

…confidentiality (the Arbitration Ordinance itself also provides that arbitration is a confidential process not just in arbitration proceedings but also in courts); mandatory disclosure of TPF; clear grounds for termination…

process, resource nationalism need not be a wrongful act. On this basis, she proposed defining the concept as government policies that appropriate a larger share of resource revenues and increase…

…stated that this option will likely result in a materially correct decision which greatly ameliorates the concern of having no appeals process. Mr. Kang emphasized the benefits of the confidential…

process for constituting the tribunal. Confidentiality: The confidentiality of international arbitration may be important in cases involving sensitive proprietary information. By contrast, court proceedings in countries such as the United…

…provisions set out in the Note, Tribunal members are appointed in a three-step process. The process is designed to maximize transparency and inclusiveness of appointment, diversity, and professionalism, while avoiding…