…agreements concluded between the Member States of the European Union (“EU”) in the so-called intra-EU BITs have an adverse effect on the autonomy of EU law. Achema case is a…

…protect investors post-termination of BITs. It is, of course, only the ISDS (investor-state dispute settlement) mechanisms of intra-EU BITs that are potentially affected by the CJEU’s decision. The substantive protections…

…the need to amend BITs and other investment agreements to better reflect matters of consent, arbitrability, and enforceability. The final part of the panel discussion involved a brief update on…

…issues that were discussed involved jurisdiction, whether the definition of ‘investor’ includes an SWF and whether their actions may be regarded as an ‘investment’, under BITs and the ICSID convention….

…of the Convention. Söderlund views Article 72 in its historical context: a time before States entered into BITs. Thus, he concludes that Article 72 does not apply when States have…

…MIC disputes arising under agreements to which they are or will be parties. However, as a footnote in the Recommendation shows, disputes arising from intra EUBITs as well as disputes…