…automatically. Article 28.6 of the ICC Rules and Article 26.9 of the LCIA Rules provide that the parties by agreeing to arbitration under the respective Rules waive their right to…

new rules of customary international law in the future. By their very nature, customary rules evolve over time. The repetitive enunciation of some of the standards of protection existing under

…world, more than ever, voices its concerns about efficiency of the arbitration services, value for money and quality of services rendered by arbitrators, arbitration lawyers and arbitration institutions. The lion…

…has been suggested in Swedish legal doctrine that the parties, under certain circumstances, may have implicitly agreed that the arbitration agreement shall cease to be effective. In a recently reported…

Rules ( https://www.cietac.org.cn/english/rules/rules.htm) and the Concerns Raised at the Conference: The 2005 Rules have brought CIETAC arbitration more in line with the procedures provided for by the rules of the