…South Africa) No Counterclaims should be permitted Permitting counterclaims may counter the perceived imbalance in favor of investors in IIAs. (e.g., South Africa) No Third-party intervention should be permitted Increasing…

…certain State counterclaims; Judicialization, e.g., the European Union’s proposal for a multilateral investment court, which is included in the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, and the EU-Singapore and EU-Vietnam…

…panel, Mr. Ampuero referred to the possibility of counterclaims by States in investment arbitration, an option that is quite debatable since, in principle, most tribunals have considered that treaties provide…

…of ADR; treaty interpretation by States parties; security for costs; means to address frivolous claims; multiple proceedings including counterclaims; and reflective loss and shareholder claims (together with the OECD). Throughout…

…of counterclaims under ISDS contract provisions is a completely different story. As Mr. Ampuero emphasized, Peru’s experience with counterclaims has been rather positive. More than 50% of the State’s ISDS…

Counterclaims, submitted within 15 days after tribunal constitution (Draft Provision 13, A/CN.9/WG.II/WP.214, paras. 108-111). (In past sessions, delegates discussed whether a response alone on the issue of (non)applicability of the…

…submitting written submissions, and timeframe for the rendering of the award, possibility to file counterclaims or additional claims, other procedural means aimed at making the process more efficient. A constant…

…written submissions; (iv) counterclaims and additional claims; (v) the taking of evidence; (vi) hearings; and (vii) the making of the award. Participants at the 71st session—which included representatives of various…

…party conduct, which would in principle allow for greater costs to be imposed on obviously frivolous claims.   Permitting Counterclaims to Turn the Tables Counterclaims offer another avenue for holding…

…the limited context of international investment arbitration. Background on Corruption Defenses in International Investment Arbitration Corruption defenses generally arise in two scenarios: (1) where a State counterclaims that an investor…

…approach to counterclaims appears to be influenced by the arbitration practice concerning investment contracts. In these cases, respondent states have filed counterclaims based on the violation of domestic law provisions…

…interpretation by States parties; security for costs; means to address frivolous claims; multiple proceedings including counterclaims; and reflective loss and shareholder claims (together with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and…