A black box artificial intelligence (“AI”) model is one “created directly from data by an algorithm, meaning that humans, even those who design them, cannot understand how variables are being…

…use of AI to resolve substantive disputes Amongst the many predictions made by technology writers, one oft-discussed development is whether artificial intelligence (AI) or “robots” will one day replace arbitrators….

…Drawing parallels to artificial intelligence (AI), which has been characterized by some as the “end of enlightenment”, she encouraged us not to fall into the “international arbitration version of AI”…

The second day of the ICCA Congress took place on Tuesday, September 20. Delegates gathered in the morning for the presentation of the inaugural ICCA Guillermo Aguilar-Alvarez Memorial Prize, established…

…modern day impact of artificial intelligence on arbitration, and the submission of States to international arbitration. J. Christopher Thomas began by recounting a brief history of Andrew Carnegie’s contribution of…

…cases. Prof. Catherine Rogers (Arbitrator Intelligence) laid out the prospects of States acting as Claimants, rather than as Respondents as is the norm in ISDS. To illustrate the nature and…