…technology-related issues, including use of Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing, cybersecurity (and from an institutional perspective), electronic document management software, blockchain technology, Robotic Process Automation, Online Dispute Resolution and…

…indicated that artificial intelligence (“AI”) could be leveraged to predict outcomes. Notably, counsel can use data to complement their analysis in advocating arbitration disputes. Opting for a balanced approach, Mr….

…the similarity in names, Arbitrator Intelligence does not use AI or Artificial Intelligence. We also do not currently engage in predictive analytics. Instead, our Reports focus on descriptive analytics. Those…

…out of sync with modern practices in corresponding national litigation. In a 2020 study by ALM Intelligence and LexisNexis, 98% of US legal professionals surveyed confirmed that legal analytics about…

…(Arbitrator Intelligence), as the final speaker of the conference described the Covid-19-motivated, transparency-driven innovations in international arbitration as an opportunity for “The Rise of the Rest“. Smaller arbitration institutions, less…

…trends discussed in later chapters, such as electronic awards and signatures, and driving efficiency through technology and digitalisation. Catherine A. Rogers and Fahira Brodlija of Arbitrator Intelligence uncover the difficulties…

…inteligencia artificial descifró la manera de abandonar todos los combustibles y tomar directamente la energía del sol para encender los aparatos en la Tierra, lográndolo sin intervención humana. Este escenario,…

…depending on industries and regions, as revealed by data collected to date by Arbitrator Intelligence. That data is collected through responses submitted by parties and counsel at the end of…

…Arbitrator Intelligence, the quiz this summer is based on actual data compiled about arbitrators and institutions.1)Arbitrator Intelligence is a global data aggregator that collects factual and evaluative feedback on arbitrators…

…its rightful place by 2030, works on ethnic and geographical diversity would be underway. It may not be surprising for parties to employ artificial intelligence (“AI”) to evaluate the probabilities…