…compared to intra-arbitral mechanisms. Commercial courts in Germany may conduct proceedings in English and are staffed by judges particularly qualified in international commercial matters. Legislative efforts to further bolster the…

…Rules, which consolidated the PCA as the main forum for proceedings conducted under such rules. The peak of Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) and Multilateral treaties incorporating arbitration clauses referring to…

…investor protections contained in BITs.” Conclusion The Castillo v. Panama award constitutes a global radiography of investment treaty arbitration precedent to further develop and confirm the reasoning grounds for a…

I have been teaching international investment arbitration (IIA) in India for the last 15 years with a focus on its substantive principles contained in numerous bilateral investment treaties (BITs) and…

…to secure protection under Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs). The increase in investment disputes has fostered some resistance towards investment arbitration. Latin American leaders have started negotiating more limited treaties. Some…